Can Huskies Eat Eggs?

We humans love eggs for their versatility and nutritional density, and the same benefits can apply to our four-legged friends. So, if you are a Husky owner and you’re wondering whether you can feed eggs to your adventure-loving pet, keep reading to find out more! 

Benefits of eggs for Huskies

Eggs are a great, healthy ingredient to have in your Husky’s diet, and they offer amazing nutritional value in both the white and the yolk. Eggs are packed full of lean protein and a range of all 9 essential amino acids, making them a complete protein source. Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle, and eggs are widely known as one of the most complete sources of protein that you can eat

1 egg contains: 

Calories 77
Carbohydrates 0.6g
Unsaturated fat 2g
Saturated fat 1.6g
Cholesterol 212mg
Protein 6.3g


Eggs contain Vitamin A, B2, B5, B12, D, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, and selenium.  

Why is protein important for Huskys? 

Huskys need lots of protein in their diet to help them build and maintain healthy muscle and give them plenty of energy.

Huskies are incredibly active dogs, originally bred as hard-working sled dogs. The modern domestic Husky still loves to run for miles, and these dogs tend to have endless energy! Many Husky owners still use this breed as a working dog, whilst others are attracted to their gentle nature and ability to go out hiking all day long. All this activity means Huskys need lots of protein in their diet to help them build and maintain healthy muscle and give them plenty of energy. This breed benefits from a protein-rich diet.  

How to feed your Husky eggs 

Eggs are incredibly versatile, and there are so many different ways to feed them to your Husky to keep their meals interesting and varied. Scrambled eggs are one of the easiest and quickest to prepare and are also quite gentle on your dog’s tummy. Hard-boiled eggs are also great, and can be prepared the day before, or a few hours before mealtime to suit your routine.  

You should never feed your dog eggs that have been fried or cooked in oils or butter, or with any seasoning. Oils and fats not only contribute to weight gain in dogs, but can also cause mild upset tummies, or trigger an episode of pancreatitis (a painful condition caused by inflammation of the pancreas). Seasoning such as onion and garlic is toxic to dogs, so must always be avoided. Dogs cannot eat eggshells as they can’t digest them. 

Are raw eggs safe for Huskies? 

Any additional food such as eggs, should not make up any more than 10% of your dog’s daily food intake.

Raw eggs are ok to feed your Husky and can be cracked over your dog’s meal or mixed into their usual food. However, you shouldn’t feed raw eggs if they have gone bad, as they can contain bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli which could make your dog very sick.   

How many eggs can my Husky eat and how often? 

It’s important to feed your Husky a suitable complete diet to ensure they get the correct balance of nutrition. There are diets specifically formulated for large and working type breeds that contain more protein and calories for these active breeds. So, any additional food such as eggs, should not make up any more than 10% of your dog’s daily food intake, and they should get most of their protein from the meat in their usual complete food. For most Husky’s, 2-3 eggs a week is plenty to avoid weight gain and upset tummies! 

Are there any risks in feeding my Husky eggs? 

If your dog suffers from allergies, speak to your vet before adding eggs to their diet.

Eggs contain protein and good fats, but too many can mean too much fat and contribute to weight gain, obesity, and increase the risk of joint disease and diabetes. Eggs are not suitable for dogs suffering from certain health conditions or allergies. If your dog suffers from allergies, speak to your vet before adding eggs to their diet. If your Husky suffers from pancreatitis, eggs are not safe to feed as the fat content can trigger a painful flare-up of the condition. 

Some dogs find eggs too rich and can get some mild vomiting or diarrhea after eating them. There is also a small risk of transmission of bacteria such as E. coli or Salmonella if you feed your dog a bad or out-of-date egg, which can cause more severe illness. Always check the use-by date and try to cook eggs first as this will kill the bacteria. 

Final Thoughts 

Eggs are a really great protein source for Husky’s who live active lifestyles and burn off lots of energy. Protein helps them to maintain healthy muscle and also maintains their energy levels, allowing them to keep running for miles! Eggs can be added to your Husky’s usual complete diet either scrambled, hard-boiled, or raw if they are still good and in date. But remember that additional foods should be no more than 10% of your dog’s daily food allowance, and you should always speak to your vet before changing your dog’s diet.  


What are a Siberian Husky’s favorite foods? 

Husky’s love dehydrated salmon chunks because their ancestors would have fed on fresh salmon in the wild. Domestic Siberian Huskies still have an instinctive taste for this particular fish! 

What do Huskies love the most? 

Huskys love to be outdoors in an open space where they are free to run around. They also love the snow and the cold, and their coats are specifically designed to tolerate these conditions.  

What chews do Huskies like? 

Huskys like any meat or fish-based chews. Dental chews, fish, or chicken/turkey strips are great chews for Huskys. Frozen chews are great in the summer months when they get very warm under their thick coats.  

What mixes best with Husky? 

Huskys mix well with any breed of a similar size such as German Shepherd, Akita, Alaskan Malamute, Doberman, or Rottweiler. We love Doberman Husky mixes!